今年是Spelling Bee的英语校园文化活动走进成都王府的第三个年头,此次活动各班学生踊跃参与,整个王府校园充满生机与活力。英文拼词不仅有利于提高学生记忆单词的积极性,扩充其词汇量,有利于加强学生的英语学习与交流,增强学生的英语能力,还有利于学生树立竞争意识和自信心,积极展现个人风采。此次活动为王府学子利用英语这一语言工具,讲好中国故事,将中国文化输出到世界各地助力。
Spelling Bee——拼词,拼世界。成都王府外国语学校始终重视培养学生们的国际视野,无论是在语言还是跨文化领域的教育教学上,都配备了丰富的师资和课程,极大地扩展和丰富了同学们的国际化学习场景。而在不同的实践课中,将有自信、负责任、重创新、乐参与有效融合,致力于为中华民族培养具有家国情怀和全球视野的复合型人才。
This year marks the third year that spelling Bee’s English campus culture program has entered the CRFLS. The active participation of the students in each class not only improves the students’language ability, but also tells Chinese stories well in English, so that our Chinese culture can be exported to the world through English as a language tool. Congratulations to CRFLS as the only school in Chengdu, won the SPBCN International English Spelling Bee Season Best Organization award!