1. 2月27日,育仁菁英学校校长将带领团队到我校访问学习。
On Feb 27, the Principal of Yuren elite school will visit and study in our school.
2. 2月28日,学校将召开2月教师读书分享交流活动。
On Feb 28, CRFLS will organize a reading sharing meeting for teachers in February.
3. 下周内,学校两个国家级课题将进行中期汇报。
Within next week, the school will have a mid-term report on two national projects.
4. 艺体中心将组织开展第七届校园歌手大赛。
Our Arts and Sports center will carry out the seventh campus singer competition.
5. 学校工会将组织筹备教职工跳绳比赛。
The school union will organize a jumping rope competition for the staff.
6. 初中部筹备中考百日誓师大会。
The junior high school will prepare for the 100-day mobilization conference for the high school entrance examination.
7. 九年级将召开上学期学业质量监测分析会。
Grade 9 will have the academic performance analysis meeting of last semester.