1. 3月27日,党支部组织开展第一季度党员大会。
On Mar 27, the communist party branch will organize the first-quarter party member meeting.
2. 3月28日,学校开展3月读书漂流教师读书分享活动。
On Mar 28, our school will carry out the reading drifting sharing activity.
3. 3月29日,外交部翻译司外语专家孙继文大使将与王府学子进行线上交流。
On Mar 29, Ambassador Sun Jiwen, foreign language expert from the Department of Translation and Interpretation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will have an online communication with our students.
4. 3月30日,学校开展本月教职工行动例会。
On Mar 30, the school will organize general meeting for all faculty.
5. 学校品牌宣传部将设计制作3月学校校报。
The brand promotion department will design and produce the school newspaper in March.
Arts and Sports Center will prepare for the second campus photography competition.
7. 3月29日,小学部四名语文教师受邀赴重庆谢家湾小学参加九龙坡区教育学会小学语文专委会首届学术年会及江涛名师工作室学术研讨活动。
On Mar 29, four Chinese teachers from elementary school will invited to attend the Jiu Long Po district annual academic conference and the Chinese teaching seminar of Jiangtao Workshop in Chongqing Xie Jiawan elementary school.
8. 3月31日至4月2日,管校长带领小学部语、数、英、体、心理五名教师前往重庆常春藤学校参加第二届全球融合课程创生研讨会,并进行学术交流活动。
From Mar 31 to Apr 2, Principal Guan will lead five teachers from elementary school including Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physical education and psychology to attend the Second Global Interpretation Curriculum Creation Seminar in Chongqing.