1. 学校将筹备开展4月读书月图书捐赠活动。
The school will prepare to carry out the book donation activity of April.
2. 艺体中心将筹备开展春季趣味运动会。
The arts and sports center will prepare for the Spring fun sports game.
3. 学校各学部召开成绩分析会。
All departments of the school will carry out the grades analysis meeting.
4. 4月8日,艺体中心带领6名钢琴学生参加“英皇杯”国际钢琴比赛。
On Apr 8, the arts and sports center will lead six students to participate the King’s Cup International Piano Competition.
5. 我校部分学生将参加温江区乒乓球比赛。
Some students of our school will take part in the table tennis competition in Wenjiang district.