1. 艺体中心将筹备第二届“我爱王府”摄影比赛。
Our arts and sports center will organize the Second school photography competition.
2. 学校将举行第三届春季趣味运动会。
The school will hold the Third Spring sports game.
3. 学校将举行一年级第一批少先队入队仪式。
The school will hold the ceremony of the first group of young pioneers in Grade one.
4. 4月23日,学校将举办首届“我是讲书人”比赛。
On Apr 23, CRFLS will carry out its first “I am a storyteller” contest.
5. 4月20至21日,管校长带领小初10名教师前往涪陵外国语学校参加未来教育名校发展联盟签约仪式暨“聚焦学科素养,展示高效课堂”教研活动。
On Apr 20 &21, Principal Guan will lead ten elementary school teachers to Fuling Foreign Language School to attend the signing ceremony of the Development Alliance of Future Education schools and its related teaching and research activity.