1. 7月2日,学校将开展初中部第一期暑期托管服务。
On July 2, the school will launch the first summer care service in the middle school.
2. 学校继续筹备暑期北京研学相关工作。
The school continues to prepare for the summer study in Beijing related work.
On July 7, the school held a final summary meeting for all staff.
4. 成都王府外国语学校代表队将参加温江民办教育协会“爱成都,迎大运”的趣味运动会。
The school team will participate in the fun sports meeting of Wenjiang Private Education Association 'Love Chengdu, welcome the Great Luck'.
5. 学校将开展小初艺术特长生集训与考级工作。
The school will carry out intensive training and grade examination for art students in primary and middle schools.