The school will organize students to participate in the logo design competition for the sports meeting.Each discipline of the primary school carries out the activities of young teachers' class competition.3. 学校将开展“科技节”暨“2023成都世界科幻大会”系列活动。The school will carry out a series of activities of 'Science and Technology Festival' and '2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention'.
4. 筹备川渝教育联合体小学语数英新课堂教学研讨活动。
Preparation of the Sichuan-Chongqing education consortium primary school Chinese, mathematics, English new classroom teaching seminar activities.
5. 成都王府法制副校长将走进校园开展普法宣传活动。
The vice president of the Legal system of the school will walk into the campus to carry out publicity activities.
6. 学校德育处将组织新学年校级家委会进行增补选工作。
The school Moral Education Department will organize the school level family committee to conduct supplementary selection work in the new school year.