Prepare for the sixth set of students' eye exercise evaluation during the big recess.2. 小初学部设计与成都高新新华学校联合教研活动方案。
The primary and junior high school designed a joint teaching and research activity plan with Chengdu High-tech Xinhua School.
3. 5月9日,接待新加坡环印学校领导一行到校考察交流。
On May 9, we received a delegation of leaders from Singapore Huanyin School to visit our school.
4. 5月11日,初三年级开展物理、化学、生物实验考试。
On May 11, the third grade of junior high school carried out the physics, chemistry and biology experiment examination.
5. 组织开展第三届教职工摄影比赛。
Organized the third Faculty Photography competition.