1. 5月23日,教务处将组织初三学生参加政治历史毕业会考。
On May 23, the Academic Affairs Office will organize junior high school students to take the political history graduation examination.
2. 5月23日,初中部李校长将赴北京王府总校参加教育部课程教材研究所举办的第四届“实验区课程改革研讨会”。
On May 23, President Li of the junior high school will attend the 4th 'Experimental Area Curriculum Reform Seminar' held by the Institute of Curriculum and Textbooks of the Ministry of Education at Beijing Royal School.
3. 5月23日,学校将举行本月校长早茶会活动。
On May 23, the school will hold this month's Principal's Morning Tea Party.
4. 5月24日,举行教职工“我眼中的王府”摄影比赛决赛颁奖 ”。
4. On May 24th, the final award of the 'Royal in My Eyes' photo contest for faculty and staff was held.
5. 5月26日,举行本月全体教职工行动例会。
On May 26, the regular meeting of all faculty and staff was held.
6. 学校将开展“第二届国际理解教育教案比赛”。
The school will organize the Second International Understanding Education lesson plan competition.